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TSA Reports Busiest Day Ever

The TSA reported that Sunday, November 26 was the busiest day in agency history. ( Más...

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John Taylor 2
Considering how many fat, stuipd and lazy TSA agents there are, having to actually work is considered a busy day. Wait, what's that you say? The most people passed through? My bad...
I would apply for a job at TSA...but I speak clear English, am not a "protected class" and prefer to mate with other humans of the opposite gender. I guess I am part of the problem....(next flight, next week....I cant wait to hate TSA)

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Um...AOC was a bartender, then at under $190k /yr and now is worth $17mil. All while being unable to have any logical, yeah, no corruption there. Fool.

I live near no less than five billionaires, not one of them are in Tech.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Very short-sighted. My neighbor (who owns about 12 aircraft) is a billionaire (self-made)...I think he has an email address. Not sure.

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"Not paying taxes" - huh, that is why I closed our facilities in Illinois and moved to Florida....I am not a billionaire, but...not exactly destitute. Avoiding taxes seems to be a theme under the current mode of responsible business ownership.

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Maybe. just maybe if my tax dollars did not go to fund the live of people - who had they been any other mammal on earth would not have made it to breeding age (as in, nature would have taken them out)...well, maybe I would not be such a disgruntled tax payor. This year my cut of the Federal Taxes will be well over $, I am NOT getting my money's worth.

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I have never seen a comment removed. Not even something 100% nut job. That is odd. Sure your not just down voted? Serious question.

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If you are new, you will find we do a great job of self-moderating. The fact is, we have more in common than we have that makes us different. Sure, we can toss shade, but at least here we are pretty much free to do that, and not get canceled as most on the left prefer.

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You of course are entitled to your opinion. For me, I would let them all just fight it out as it is not "our" problem - but for the fact Isreal has a boat load of Nukes that need to be kept out of the hands of the rag heads and Muslim terrorists (meaning, all Muslims).

[This poster has been suspended.]

Um - the "Native Indians" lost each and every war they had with the "White Man". If not for the Christian values of most of the "White Man" they would not have ANY land, let alone the land that the white men gifted to them for no reason. They are your examples of successful leadership? Heck, many of the tribes were freaking cannibals. This is undeniable. The fact that they lost every war against White Man, and that they were RUTHLESS warriors (with out gun powder).

[This poster has been suspended.]

I agree, thus, land mines. A nation with out borders is not a nation at all - as the Indians.
Wow, in their 22 year history. 22 holiday seasons.
That’s sone amazing history.
Brian Chandler 5
But it's also all time. There's no way given the scope of growth of aviation that any data point before 2001 would have eclipsed this most recent record. That's an easy assumption to make, despite your poor attempt at sarcasm
sparkie624 1
Interesting article! No Doubt.. thanksgiving offers challenges to all airlines!
Jim Allen 0
Now here’s a shocker. I was surprised though at how busy Monday the 20th was. JFK terminal 8 was much worse than normal. Apparently WFH allows people to leave earlier and just work from wherever they happen to be. Another shocker !!!
RECOR10 -9
And yet, the TSA was just as worthless and ineffective as the lowest travel day of the year...Totally Stupid Agency is a massive waste of tax dollars and time.
The absence of something is hard to quantify. If you have a reason for your rant (e.g. evidence that no attack has ever been discouraged or prevented by TSA) then you should present it … otherwise your comment lends nothing to the discussion.
When does a 70% failure rate actually represent an improvement? When we are talking about the efforts of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to detect weapons at airport checkpoints.

Undercover investigators working for the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) managed to sneak fake guns, knives and explosives through checkpoints earlier this year, getting the mock weapons through a depressing 70% of the time. The unclassified summary noted “We identified vulnerabilities with TSA's screener performance, screening equipment, and associated procedures.”
RECOR10 -1
It is proven that they MISS 90% + of things to "Test" their systems, over and again. They are worthless.
John Taylor 1
Not sure why you got down voted. Must be a lot of people like being delayed, groped, emptying their bags and shoes and their pants around their ankles by taking off their belts and otherwise generally harassed. I'd gladly take my chances and get rid of the TSA once and for all.


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