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Air Canada flight helps locate sailor off Australian coast
Air Canada B777 dropped down to 3500 feet, flight crew borrows passenger's binoculars to search for stricken yacht which happened to be near the flight path of the Boeing. They found them, and radioed the location to rescuers and help was dispatched. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
In Australia flight crews of commercial flights are hailed as heroes for assisting in finding stranded vessels..Here at home that flight crew would have been featured on "The Nightly News" for potentially operating the aircraft in a manor that may have put passengers lifes in jeopardy by flying at un-safe altitudes, flying a low rates of speed and not adhering to victor airways....I am also pretty sure they would have found all the passengers that they could have found to tell their stories of how they didn't know what was going on and how they thought that they were going to crash into the drink.....Great job pilots.
And in America, that's why airlines lose millions of dollars in settlements in court every year.
Yeah Tim...same in EUR...the operators managers would have issued a warning letter for inappropriate operating procedure. Sea or Air the principal is the same regardles of colour creed or politics. Business people don't see it that way unless it is their kin.
don't be so negative (but I fear you are right).
Same scenario in the US: Half the passengers raise hell because the flight is late 45 minutes and get free vouchers, crew gets fired for not obeying the flight management system and "assuming" there is enough fuel for the descent and climb back to assigned flight level and putting passengers at risk, the other half of the passangers sue the airline for being put at risk after the last statement about the fuel becomes public. Boy we got a lot to learn. This is a perfect example that great things happen when common sense is used and people are willing to be "inconvenienced" for the good of others.
G-d bless the crew who pushed aside regulations and saved the people in the ship. There are still people who have the brains to take action when it is called for and perhaps a set of good binoculars should be standard cockpit equipment.