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Amerijet 767 Jet Blast Blows Cessna 172 Onto Its Side In Aruba

An Amerijet 767 Freighter taxiing at the Queen Beatrix International Airport in Aruba tipped a Cessna 172 Skyhawk onto its side while exiting the southern ramp. ( Más...

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tony turner 1
Lots of Monday morning quarterbacks on here! Why are you convinced they have been into AUA before as a non-sked operator? Should he have stopped on the airport’s single runway to verify, or ignore the clearance given to him twice in error?
In this business, there are only those who have and those who will…
brownbearwolf 2
When on the ground at a major airport, or one where Heavies operate. It is easy for GA Pilots to see another aircraft as just that. B767 seen moving about while taxi-ing to wherever, tends to be forgotten about by thinking of staying clear. What can't be seen is the blast behind the Heavy. At idle, that can be 300 kts within the first few hundred feet then slows with distance. When the 9s and 27s started operating in this country, one jet on the then hard stand, powered up to taxi and blue away trollies and people who then were able to walk on the apron. That incident triggered DCA to change the Nav Orders for jets of all types, to start the anti-collision beacon before engine starting. When Lighties and Heavives mix on an airport movement area, the lighties pilot needs to stay away from their trust end.
Steven Bukosky 2
The pilot is at fault. Situational awareness would warn him of possible damaging the other aircraft. Shut down and get a truck to move the jet to a safe operating position.
rbt schaffer 6
UAL 727 lifted me up bent the prop and scraped the wingtip of my 172 taxiing at Stapleton ~1973. Almost on my back. I was following the taxi orange line to Combs off RWY 26 and jack azz just dropped off his pushback from the gate goosed it and nearly over I went. You know as soon as you release the brakes, the plane starts moving. Guess some pilots think they're going to get there faster by riding their brakes on taxi... Some day you'll need those brakes
chiefaviator 5
Due diligence is always a requirement.

Be familiar with airport and parking before arrival.

Brief the runway exit for that parking as part of the approach briefing.

Clarify any discrepancy to the anticipated and briefed route should be questioned.
The Rx 5
"Second to the right" at TNCA via runway #11 is Taxiway "E" ...NOT "F". Pretty sure the PiC could see that turning right was a probably a bad idea in the first place.
chiefaviator 2
It is Amerijet. Lol
hwh888 8
I say its as much the pilots fault as ground control. Hey you have the charts in front of you, you most likely have been in and out of this destination before. You stop and question. The guy behind you does a go-around. YOU are the PIC, not the tower, not ground control.
Always read back.
EMK69 8
As we used to tell Marine recruits when they turned the wrong way....You're other right
Silent Bob 10
21voyageur 5
Ahhh, the demise of the English language continues!
alex hidveghy 2
That is the number one error in use if those two words - your and you're. And autocorrect and AI don’t help!
linbb -2
Know all about that going on except this got blown int Lake Washington at the Renton WA airport sometime in the mid 1960 before I went to work at an FBO there. It was a 707 I think that did it.


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