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DC baggage handler trapped in plane's cargo hold

WASHINGTON (AP) — Authorities say a baggage handler became trapped in the cargo hold of a plane set to depart from Washington's Reagan National Airport and was only freed after screaming and pounding. . . . ( Más...

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pfp217 0
I don't buy it! I was a ramper for 10 years, and I can testify that I have NEVER seen a member of the FFA on the ramp.. and furthermore, I'd never beleive anything an FFA member says about aviation.
What am I missing on the above comment???
Nick Fells 0
(first comment)dude either get on or get off the meds.
pfp217 0
it's tongue in cheek, read the article. They quote the FFA (Future Farmers of America) as being an authority on the matter....
keith crabill 0
I also was a ramper for 5 years for delta,midway,and air south.If i read this story right he was assigned to push the plane back.Wouldnt you ey miss the individual who was assigned to that.This dude either fell asleep in the bin or pissed some of the other rampers off.Or heck it might of even been a prank.By the way what kind of plane was it.If the co-pilot heard the banging and yelling he had to be in the 1 or 2 bin.Just saying.
wdhearrell 0
I wonder what the airline tried to charge him for THAT seat.
Ron Clarkson 0
No seat charge just a extra bag fee of $23
TTail 0
charged him for the seat, and took it out of his paycheck, for the ride back to the terminal.LOL :)
Amy Dillon 0
I've heard it's not uncommon for baggage handlers to catch a nap down there...
Jimk45 0
I was a Ramp Rat for 34 years and yes Rampers do sleep in the pits and more than once the doors were shut with someone inside getting some ZZZ's.

But usually there is a handle on the inside to open the door.
Paul Cline 0
Was this a trick or an accident?

Details...we need details!!
gskiad 0
Good catch pfp217. Proves the point we read what we want it to say. I'm guilty too... I read "FAA"
Lee Duncan 0
LOL @pfp217
pfp217 0
oops, I just realized I mispelled "believe"!I should've edited better as well! hehe
Ric Wernicke 0
@pfp217 I am not sure I believe anything the FAA says about aviation either! In fact, the farmers might have a better handle on the situation.
David Kaplan 0
Of course FFA could be a typo... and they meant FAA...
Jeremy Duvall 0
Sounds like the first message guy had been caught in a cargo hold quite few times. Lack of Oxygen


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