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Dallas Car Chase Ends On Love Airport

I guess he smashed or ran a gate to get on the airport property... poor taxiway sign. ( Más...

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Philippe Michaud 0
Wow! Atleast I'm safe. I don't have to worry of aircrafts in Quebec but god, a couple of guns and ammo and/orsomepatrol cars are less valued than an aircraft! Here, he would have been able to get away without a chase... They don't chase aroud here...
Mark Neill 0
Allen, he might be an innocent victim who was never held by his father. The system let him down. Goooooo Socialism!!!! HA... totally agree Allen.
allen laban 0
should have stopped him on the runway with a couple of 12 gauge rounds..over and done trial and no wasted $$ to the tax payers....
Scott BH 0


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