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Emirates Boeing 777 Takes Off After The Runway’s End In Dubai

Emirates is in the spotlight after an incident in Dubai before Christmas raised questions about some pilots’ skills and experience levels. ( Más...

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Again we see that the 3rd world airlines depend too much on Automations to fly their airliners. The reason that Airbus has made end roads in the 3rd world Airlines is Airbus offers fully automated controls system that will even override the Human Pilot's inputs. This again demonstrates the danger of such over automation and the massively down grading of Human Pilot training. This must end. All airlines Need to enforce that during every cycle at least the Landing or the Takeoff must be done fully manual. So if a crew conducts 5 takeoffs and associated 5 landings then the crew will experience at least a 1 landing and 4 takeoffs or 4 take offs and 1 landing or any other combinations. And I mean fully manual. Can't fly the Aircraft in a full manual configuration then you have no business flying that Aircraft.
Larry Toler 3
This was clearly a crew screw up. Even as an FA on a an ERJ, whoever was doing the flying for that leg would set up while whoever was reading off the checklist would make sure it was done. One of the first things done after the walk around and even before I started loading pax, the radar altimeter was checked and set for the correct airport we were departing from. Never assume the crew flying previously didn't reset everything to zero.
Also to claim this is a manufacturing fault blaming A or B. I was on EMBRAER and BAE with different avionics suites but the instrumentation and checklists are basically the same.
dnorthern 4
Appears the writer has a dislike for Boeing aircraft as much as the brand is mentioned. The issue is not with Boeing or their aircraft. The issue appears to be the crew
Paul Wisgerhof 2
Reminds me of the old "vodka burner" take-off video from Australia. If you haven't seen it, look it up and have a smile.
Highflyer1950 6
Stresses the importance of checklist accuracy. It should have been readily apparent that in order to go flying one needs to select an altitude to fly to……in the MCP. This may be the tip of the iceberg, missed on the cockpit geographic, missed on the SID setup, missed on the departure briefing and missed on what the instruments were telling the pilots “prior” to autopilot engagement.
Frank Harvey 1
Way back in the old days (1970s) I was lucky to be allowed in a jumpseat. The chap in the right seat called "V1", and then "rotate" (VR), while the chap in the left seat did the flying. I was assuming this was still done. I didn't realise that now the computer does this.

Who now handles the braking if an engine fails before V1, or decides when to rotate if it fails after V1 ? Does the computer now do this ? Can a computer handle asymmetric thrust ?

If a human does this who is monitoring the airspeed and how long does it take for a human to recognize the engine failure and to take over from the computer ? Under recommended CRM procedures should the captain and first officer discuss and decide all this before they start to roll ?
Highflyer1950 2
Frank, the good old days. Actually, the Captain then as now initiates a rejected or aborted takeoff. Automation has done away with many of the manual actions taken such as: Auto braking, auto spoilers even an automated voice callout of runway remaining. The crew always conduct a departure briefing for every takeoff and add additional info as needed ie: weather, runway length, takeoff weight, MEL considerations, emergency return etc.
Frank Harvey 2

Thanks for the reply and clarification/confirmation that the crew do conduct a departure briefing. I am however insecure about the auto braking and other automated functions such as callout of runway remaining. In my opinion the more automation, the less the crew are forced to pay attention which can lead to a lag in response or even lack of response.

In the really good old days of one of my first flights as a child passenger I found out that the bottom rear corner of rectangular windows on DC3 (passenger aircraft) leak when they fly through rain.

Thanks again and all the best for the New Year.
Iskra 2
Fly the plane! Complacency kills!
Roger Anderson 9 Posted here already
mbrews -1
Par for the course. As usual, MH is 2 days late and a <boeing> dollar short
Torsten Hoff 2
Yup, of someone sneezes on the flight deck of a Boeing, he’ll post a squawk about it…
linbb 0
Well here we go again just like the 737 deal low time or poorly trained and certed pilots. Funny that MH never has said much about Airbus and there past problems which have resulted in many lives lost.


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