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Boeing built an unsafe plane and blamed foreign pilots for what went wrong?

Cost-cutting, corporate arrogance, and a new plane that was supposed to be easy to fly. An exclusive excerpt from Flying Blind ( Más...

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Highflyer1950 1
Still sensationalizing this accident but the quote within, still says it all: “ MCAS had been shoehorned into the controls to address a quirk of physical design, and reacting to the new software asked a lot of pilots. They would have to notice, within seconds, that the stabilizer was running away, then start working the right checklist with robotic efficiency. ” All true however, Recognizing a runaway trim and turning off two trim cutoff switches from the required Memory Item Checklist, obviously is proof positive that this particular crew were poorly trained from the get-go! One might ask themselves, if this crew had been operating an earlier variant with the stick shaker going off continually would they have returned for a safe landing…..probably, but still not knowing what, how or why they were getting this warning. That is not competency!
patrick baker 1
that is the headline, those are the facts, and the worst thing is that by admitting responsibility, boeing evades punative damages, probably the only thing that could get the company's attention.


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