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You May See Fewer Starbucks Coffee Shops at U.S. Airports: Here's why

You soon may see fewer Starbucks stores at U.S. airports, after HMSHost, which operates all of the roughly 400 terminal locations nationwide, severed its nearly 30-year-old exclusivity agreement with the famous coffee chain. ( Más...

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Relics 3
Dunkin is better anyways.
John D 1
So the odd thing about this is at AUS, which just finished a major renovation, prided itself that they only catered to local establishments and for the most part abided by that. I had taken a travel hiatus and had not been there for some months. Went back in January and saw that a rather nice sized Starbacks had opened there.
Mike Mohle 0
Payoffs! LOL
Mike Mohle 4
OK with me. Personally, I would rather be able to try "local" coffee shops in my travels. Usually try to avoid SB if there are ANY other local options available to support them.
George Lane 3
I'm OK with this. It was already getting harder and harder to tell the difference between airports and shopping malls :)


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