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Why Some People Are Always Late to the Airport

There are two types of airport people. Some travelers love being late. ( Más...

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El Kabong -1
I'm not 'late' to the airport for the thrill of it, I just REFUSE to sit in a stuffy terminal 3 hours before a flight for no reason. My time is too valuable to be wasted by the TSA and rude airline personnel. As a business traveler of many years, I can count on one finger how many flights I've missed. Those of us who have figured out the system can get to the airport no more than 30 minutes before their flight and walk on without issue.
Amit JSK 0
True that, but now looking at the new security measures at all Major airports across the world, shouldn't one be at the airport at least 90 mins prior to departure.....
El Kabong 1
Why? If you never check luggage, have airline status and are willing to board last, you should never need to get to the airport more than 30 minutes before your flight. If you think about why people get to the airport early it's because one or more of the conditions I mentioned above are not met or they just really enjoy hanging out in a terminal with a bunch of people.
dee9bee 4
Intentionally late? Hello heart attack. Although I'm retired, if I have an early morning flight out of KLAS I drive from my home in southern Utah to Vegas the night before. There's a ten mile stretch on the Interstate where if an 18-wheeler turns over, you're stuck. It happened to me a few years ago. My plan worked.


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