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Beech A36 Bonanza crashes onto I-15 in Salt Lake City, Utah

All four were killed when the pilot was apparently trying to land on the freeway. ( Más...

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Devin Adams 4
Sad day for sure. I saw them holding short of rwy17 waiting for a lancer that was a short final. Density alt at the time was 6744' with calm winds.
WeatherWise 1
Density altitude with a full load of souls, fuel, and baggage. Any mechanical failure would have been the proverbial nail.
WeatherWise 4
How this rates a -3 on the squawk list is beyond me.
joel wiley 1
small sample size?
Raters unable to delegate Hemorrhoids sharing the 'joy'?
Tony Perez 1
Negative Rate of Climb??


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