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Airline CEO predicts a future where 'we will pay you to fly'

Since taking to the air in 2014, WOW Air has become an increasingly disruptive force in ultra-low-cost long-haul international air travel. Recommended for - Compare Airlines Online and Save. | Sponsored The Icelandic carrier and its bright fuchsia planes have made waves with stunningly low prices. In January, WOW launched a sale for $US69 one way tickets from the US to Europe. In June, the airline followed up with a sale for $US55 trans-Atlantic tickets. These… ( Más...

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joel wiley 1
...airlines have worked to diversify their revenues streams and to reduce their reliance on ticket sales for income. Fees for things ... In addition, they have developed lucrative partnerships ... other travel industry players to ensure their ability to derive revenue from all facets of a passenger's travel needs.

Free admission. It's the egress that will cost you.
George Lane 1
Also in the future: atomic power will make electricity "too cheap to meter." And automation and labor-saving devices will give us all a 3-day work week. :)


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