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Man sentenced to a year in jail for firing laser 50 times at police plane

California Highway Patrol plane forced to stop its pursuit of a school robbery. Yet another man from Central California has been sentenced to jail time for firing a laser at a California Highway Patrol (CHP) aircraft. On Monday, Andrew Zarate, of Fresno, was given one year in prison for firing a green laser at Air 43, a CHP plane. ( Más...

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Glen England 1
I use my laser all the time. We are 24 highway miles from the airport, and fairly right in line with 30 L and 30 R approach course's of the runway's, but, never, under any circumstances would I ever aim my laser at an aircraft. I'm super careful to not use it if there are aircraft on their approach to landing which is where they are over my house. Never ever. Can't even see how someone would think this would be fun at all.
Martin Haisman 3
Castration would be a better sentence - removal from the gene pool. Then could retain employment and pay taxes.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
50 times ? Was the man a lunatic or an escapee from some institution ? One year is too lenient. Should have been more severe, unless law prohibits/ed.
David Stark 1
I don't know the specific statute in California, but in the first place, the court may only sentence up to the statutory maximum. Secondly, if a first time offender is given the maximum, then an appeal is practically guaranteed.
Robert Fleming 2
Only a year huh?
Mark Thomas 2
Are these people TRYING to cause a crash? I don't understand the motive...
bentwing60 5
Some folks are perpetually bored and not endowed with a normal degree of common sense, which ain't so common.
thegoodguy 1
You are right the most Common thing about Common Sense is it's not so common. Seems most people can't change a dam light bulb now days.
bentwing60 4
Got green lasered a couple a months back going into DAL. It is not a comical event! And they are hard to catch unless incredibly stupid, but, thinking about it, you gotta be pretty stupid to do it in the first place.
sparkie624 4
Not Log Enough... They need to serve hard time... 20 Years should be good for a first time offense.
thegoodguy 1
I say put them in the aircraft light it up and see if they can land it without a crash n fire ball.

Hey eye for an eye!!! That's about but they are telling a pilot to do when they shine it at us.
sparkie624 1
I like your line of thinking.
Jim Quinn 2
As he should be...
zennermd 3
should be given more than one year.


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