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US puzzled by Iran's mock-up of an aircraft carrier

Iran is building a crude mock-up of an American aircraft carrier at a ship yard on its Gulf coast and US officials said Friday the goal of the project remains a mystery. ( Más...

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joel wiley 1
A little more detail- Iran is making a movie on Iran Air Flight 655, shot down in 1988
tim mitchell 1
This has me thinking....While the US and our allies are looking for a "ghost" plane the Russians and Iranians are plotting and taking over territories.....this might just be the prelude to one big sucker punch.
joel wiley 1
Target practice?
Roland Dent 2
Well..could be that they want to start a movie business and make an Iranian version of TOP GUN Joel...if they are under such stringent economic sanctions..well you will try anything to bring in some revenue.
joel wiley 1
That works too.
Roland Dent 3
Same reason everybody else builds models. USA is 17th in the educational league and by God it shows. I ahve a fuel system to build soon...what do I do? a model.
Just what has happened to the USA that a spokesperson can make adumb statement like this eludes me. The guys in the RusFed will be is disbelief at this statement.
Peter Cooper 1
Perhaps the US should drop a few wooden bombs on it.
Torsten Hoff 3
CNN shows the satellite image:
John Rogers 1
Thanks for the link. Without getting out other photos to compare, the flight deck looks more like USS America (CV-66) or maybe HMS Ark Royal to me. I've flown off the America but not Ark Royal.
chalet 0
This carrier is the platform for those supersonic aircraft mock-ups if there were mock ups or simply cartoon drawings depicting "aircraft" with two tails resembling a scaled down F-18 with which these jerks were trying to scare the hell out of the US and Europe. Now what have these punks been smoking lately.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Roland Dent 2
Iranian orhopaedic surgeons are the best in the business so don't start that sort of juvenile stereotyping..that will lead you into certain deep decline.
chalet 1
This contraption is so sturdy that a short string of Fourth of July fireworks would split the "hull" wide open and then.........bottoms down, in a matter of minutes.


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