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Newest video of landing at St. Barths

Landing at St. Barths (TFFJ) in a Twin Otter on WinAir, September 2009. We landed to the west on Rwy 28 (towards the 150 foot hill), which you can only do in light wind conditions. We were landed and shutdown by the first turnoff, which is approximately 1,000 feet. Landing at St. Barths is only for the practiced pilot, and private pilots must complete a checkout with an experienced instructor (10 landings) before they are allowed to operate from this airport. ( Más...

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Ron Rancilio 0
This look like as much fun as landing a Grumman C1A on a carries,that's moving away from you at 30 knts.
David Houpt 0
Great flying, you can also get the pucker factor at Skypark in Ohio. On a hill, always a cross wind, 2000 ft, 25 ft wide, power lines on one end and trees on other. Also Albany KY is a short field with a non paved over run.

Try landing at Skypark in the winter, less than normal snow and ice control, little or no braking. Non the less operating an airplane inside the limitations is good to know.
mattdavis 0
I think that is the first video I have seen of an airplane not crashing at St. Barths. Thanks for posting!
dbaker 0
Awesome video! Very high quality shot & nice airmanship. That's the first video I've seen of an aircraft landing that direction at St. Barths.


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