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Boeing 737 Fuselage Factory, Other Aerospace Builders Suffer Direct Hit from Kansas Tornado

The Spirit AeroSystems complex in Wichita that builds every Boeing 737 aircraft fuselage suffered a direct hit from a tornado on Saturday, damaging at least 10 buildings and knocking out power. ( Más...

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weatherman04 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Storm Damage May Impact Aircraft Industry

WICHITA, Kan. -- Tornado damage in Kansas' aircraft manufacturing hub could have a ripple effect on the industry, analysts warned Monday, even as airplane makers Boeing and Hawker Beechcraft and nearby parts maker Spirit AeroSystems were still tallying losses.
Matt Molnar 1
UPDATE: Spirit says the factory isn't looking too bad, could resume shipments by end of the week:
Roland Dent 0
..And now we know why, Mr. Boeing selected Seattle, over the Mid-West to build aircraft ...
Jackie Butcher -1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Tornado Hits Boeing Fuselage Supplier

A Spirit Aerosystems manufacturing facility in Wichita, Kansas that makes fuselages for Boeing planes was shut down after a tornado damaged roofs and knocked out power, a Spirit spokesman said.
Drew W 1
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Boeing Plant in Wichita, KS Suffers Tornado Damage

The Boeing Plant in Wichita, KS suffered from a "direct hit" during the midwest tornado outbreak on Saturday.


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