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F-16 Runway Overrun at Oshkosh

An F-16 rolled off the end of Runway 36 at Wittman Regional Airport after landing about 11:40 a.m. Thursday. The aircraft did what appeared to be a normal landing with a high alpha rollout, but it failed to stop, and it appears the nosegear was collapsed when it hit the grass. In the accompanying photos, the engine nozzle appears to be in the fully open position during the landing roll, and a small fire can be seen in the aircraft's tailpipe after it stops. The photos were taken by AVweb… ( Más...

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robert coffey 0
DNeeko; yes, AA A300-600 had vert stab failure. aa procedure for dealing with upset recovery included use of rudder. procedure later revised. AF A330, lost instrumentation due to ice. unfortunately, pilots did not revert or were unable to revert to basic stick and rudder flying to save aircraft. by-product of highly evolved aircraft, pilot has become more of a systems monitor. they have recovered the "black boxes", you should read the analysis, scarey.
DNeeko 0
Ted Beneigh... Not trying to sound like a jerk, but I thought that AA A300 flt had a vert. stab. failure due to the copilot jamming the pedals to the stops? not Anti-ice. could be wrong, but i think the reports state that. "Va" is a speed that should be taken seriously!
Mark Phillips 0
During the airshow week taxiway A becomes 18L/36R. The f16 landed long had no brakes went off end of runway and nose gear sheared off. Check out my photos posted of the a/c sitting off the end of the rwy.
Roy Kizzia 0
When not in actual combat, AF pilots fly a lot of training. Sounds like something mechanical or electrical went wrong here.
Gilbert Wood 0
A question to the pilots out there. Do you have any suggestion/ reccommendations for reading material, that a flight enthusiast, at the beginner level, might find helpful. I haven't taken a lesson yet, but Midland College offers the coarse.
pfp217 0
...and I'll bet their editors make better use of the word there better than I the above post!
pfp217 0
Hey Gil, if you're wanting somewhat technical but for the student pilot, get a subscription to AOPA's magazine "Flight Training". You can find them at Barnes and Noble or other bookstores, but there are great articles related to flying, navigation, safety, mechanical etc. It's perfect for those starting out.
Gilbert Wood 0
A question to the pilots out there. Do you have any suggestion/ reccommendations for reading material, that a flight enthusiast, at the beginner level, might find helpful. I haven't taken a lesson yet, but Midland College offers the coarse.

[email protected]
steven meyer 0
They need a bigger umbrella out the rear!
Uwe Ritter 0
Tradition continues on with incidents at Oshkosh. It would be nice to have one year @ Oshkosh without incident.
amahran 0
I'm sorry, but how is it even humanely possible to run an F-16 off an 8000ft runway "by accident"?!
Toby Sharp 0
wingscrubber, i believe for the OSHKOSH event they turn the taxiway on 36 into 36R making the main runway 36L
Ted Beneigh 0
AF 447 blaming the pilots???? Typical - defective anti-ice system and they blame the crew. As they did on American Airlines when the vertical stabilizer broke off. If I flew the Airbus jets I carry a rosary with me.
Wingscrubber 0
I don't think training is the problem, more likely just the brakes! F-16s do have a high speed rollout. Maybe its time for runway technology to improve - automatic arresting nets at the end of the runways, perhaps?
mark tufts 0
pilots should have had more training
Wingscrubber 0
There's only one runway 36 at Wittman. It's also the longest runway, 8000ft. Do they have a displaced threshold while the airshow is on?
allench1 0
Robert glad to see you still out there... I know you have seen it, but the report is out on 447 and the blame goes to the pilots, whom they admitted had not had current training on HAND FLYING the airplane.....what! I guess AF is taking the flying away from the pilots.
Robert Van Dyke 0

As like most fighters do not have Reverse thrust is what I tried to say in my 1st post
Robert Van Dyke 0

F-16's do not have Reverse Thrust as most fighters
Paul Claxon 0
Engine nozzle didn't deploy in reverse position ?
Troy Raiteri 0
Callsign was "Bama 11" landed on 36L? I thought 36L was a closed down runway? Someone on LiveATC posted the Tower communication during the incident.


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