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New Data Suggests a Rise in Aircraft Near-Misses

While it is true that plane collisions occur quite frequently, recent events may be overstating just how often they may occur. Accidents themselves do not occur as often as many believe and it is incredibly rare for a plane to experience difficulties during the flight itself. ( Más...

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Anyone want to suggest DEI practices?
bbabis 2
The English language has several built in oxymorons. Having a near-hit would better describe two aircraft coming very close together. The picture in the article of the wingtip and horizontal tail tip getting together is a near-miss. They nearly missed, but alas...
saso792 3
Taken from the first sentence above. Quote: "While it is true that plane collisions occur quite frequently"... I guess I didn't know "plane collisions occur quite frequently". Or maybe my definition of "frequently" is different that the person that wrote that.
ToddBaldwin3 2
I haven’t read the article, I generally avoid anything posted by the kiddies at Aeroxplorer, but hat is pretty typical of their writing and lack of editing.


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