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Emirates Will Test The Boeing 777X In Dubai During Certification

Gulf carrier Emirates has said it plans to test the Boeing 777X in Dubai. The aircraft will undergo a trial at the airline’s hub at some point in August next year.Sitting with the head of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the president of Emirates proposed plans to assiduously test the Boeing 777X before it enters service. The reason is to prevent further aviation tragedies like the two fatal crashes incited by issues with the 737 MAX. ( Más...

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bigkahuna400 1
Simple. They dont trust Boeing to "Self Certify" the plane like they have been doing.
airuphere 1
Despite the description this has very little to do with the MAX. According to the article.. Emrites wants to make sure the GE engines are up to par, and will operate in their summer conditions. The author of the article goes on to say “and of course who wouldn’t want to test safety after the max”. So those words never came from Tim Clark. The apprehension is with the engine stock. Especially with the Pw issues of late.
djames225 2
Not just P&W, bur GE's own issues with the GE9x engine prior to tests on the new bird.


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