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It's not easy trying to help after a disaster

TRF's, drones, limited radar coverage are just a few of the hurdles ( Más...

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phil gibson -1
Tell everyone to "lead, follow or get the hell out of the way"!
Take all the PC bullshit out of it!
That's right ....I said it !!
Chuck Pergiel 0
What the heck is a TRF? A 1920's era radio receiver? Maybe you mean TFR?
Xelo Dia 2
Great article, I will be passing this along. Thank you!
Ken McIntyre 3
Very informative article. Thank you.
I ferried supplies down to Homestead that were being taken over to the Keys. The guys shuttling back and forth told me it was a mess. Drones all over the place, media/pseudo-celebs trying to get a photo op, and bad hombres were making it more difficult than it needed to be.


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