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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (NX529B) - 2018 Wings Over Dallas WWII Airshow
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (NX529B)


2018 Wings Over Dallas WWII Airshow


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gwapo santa
my father flew the Washington at RAF Carnaby when UK bought some John Care DFC pilot log books online
Neil Klapthor
My father flew the B-29 in the early '50s out of Guam as a typhoon chaser. I was 3-4 years old.
Lucius Gravely
We have a pic of my late father-in-law and crew standing in front of theirs during the Korean War.
At the time they had completed 55 bombing missions.
I had an interior tour of FiFi when she visited Cheyenne WY in August 2016. The thunder of the four R-3350s on takoff was unforgettable. FiFi and "Doc" are the only two still flying.
Such a beautiful aircraft.
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