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Boeing 747-400 (HL7413) - Golden light for the Queen.
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Boeing 747-400 (HL7413)


Golden light for the Queen.


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Queen of the skies...
Will Robinson
It always amazed me at how much you could load onto one of those and how quick it would Leap up into the air with those four big engines
Michael Glumack
I wish these beautiful airplanes still flew to this day! I missed this big bird immensely! I’m glad the pictures are still out there.
Regarding Michael's above comment, these 747 Freighters are still flying today, and, will likely for many decades.
Most of these unique heavy haulers and are under utilized compared to most passenger carrying versions.
Note that the 747SPs are still utilized with apparently six operational versions.
Two 747SPs may be usually seen parked next to the Janus terminal at LAS (Las Vegas).
Harald Heuser
Beautiful beast. I'll miss them.
¿Deseas un historial completo para HL7413 a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
06-02-2025 B744Int'l de Hong Kong ()Int'l de Incheon () 07:25AM HKT 11:28AM KST 3:03
06-02-2025 B744Int'l de Incheon ()Int'l de Hong Kong () 12:02AM KST 02:23AM HKT 3:20
02-02-2025 B744Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l de Incheon () 08:23PM PST 01:48AM KST (+2) 12:24
02-02-2025 B744Int'l de Incheon ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 11:53PM KST 05:12PM PST 10:18
01-02-2025 B744Int'l de San Francisco ()Int'l de Incheon () 05:54AM PST 11:13AM KST (+1) 12:18
01-02-2025 B744Int'l de Los Ángeles ()Int'l de San Francisco () 02:23AM PST 03:28AM PST 1:04
01-02-2025 B744Int'l de Incheon ()Int'l de Los Ángeles () 06:25AM KST 11:45PM PST (-1) 10:20
31-01-2025 B744Cerca de ShanghaiInt'l de Incheon () 10:01PM CST 12:04AM KST (+1) 1:03
31-01-2025 B744Int'l de Incheon ()Cerca de Shanghai 01:32PM KST Last seen 01:35PM CST 1:02
30-01-2025 B744Int'l de San Francisco ()Int'l de Incheon () 02:05AM PST 07:32AM KST (+1) 12:26
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