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Antonov An-124 Ruslan (UR-82008) - adb an-124-100m ur-82008 dep shannon for jfk 31/10/20.
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Antonov An-124 Ruslan (UR-82008)


adb an-124-100m ur-82008 dep shannon for jfk 31/10/20.


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serge LOTH
Do you smoke? no thanks..
I'd smoke if I had to just to get a ride on that monster of aeronautical engineering.
I'd also be grossly interested in watching the entire flight crew tend to their duties of keeping the aircraft flying within published parameters.
ken kemper

You have a Winner !!
Leander Williams
I've never seen the 124, but I have seen its' big brother 225 several times. My wish would be to see a 225 parked next to an A380 just for size comparison.


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