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Canadair CL-415 SuperScooper —
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Canadair CL-415 SuperScooper —



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Ummm..for some reason, I dont believe this is a Canadair CL-41 Tutor, Claude..more of a Canadair CL-415 water bomber.
Roy Hunte
Correct code is CL2T.
andré belleau
Je suis aussi d'accord avec rapidwolve et Roy Hunte.
Claude BlaisPhoto Uploader
Of course CL2T my mistake...
Bill Butler
Whatever the designation, "streamlined" and "sexy" don't apply :)
Greg Zelna
I have to think in looking at this ungainly bird. Imagining the first successful flight test, several design engineers breathed a sigh akin to 'yes, it DOES fly...!'
jean-marc potvin
Belle photo Claude
Not a CL-415 - this is a converted 215.
Jack Maita
Great work horse
Al Miller
Is this the same type as shown in the article about the Croation planes in Isreal?
C-GQBI is listed in the Canadian Aircraft Registry as a CL-215-6B11
marius bissonnette
a great workhorse, it gets the works done


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