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Boeing 747-400 (4X-ELA) - 10/2015 Flight from JFK, NY, on final approach runway 30. (cropped for a better composition). br /This Jumbo plane had an emergency landing on January 14th,2018 at Goose-Bay, Canada (YYR), a military base A/P with no facilities to care for some 400 people.br /Passengers were stranded inside the plane for 16 hours with -27C outside temps. All were safely returned yesterday, Jan. 15th, to Israel by another 747.
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Boeing 747-400 (4X-ELA)


10/2015 Flight from JFK, NY, on final approach runway 30. (cropped for a better composition).
This Jumbo plane had an emergency landing on January 14th,2018 at Goose-Bay, Canada (YYR), a military base A/P with no facilities to care for some 400 people.
Passengers were stranded inside the plane for 16 hours with -27C outside temp's. All were safely returned yesterday, Jan. 15th, to Israel by another 747.


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Frank Kaiser
B747-200 with winglets? I belirvr it is a B747-400
Ike HarelPhoto Uploader
You were absolutely right, Frank - the system got this somehow. It is 747-458.
ken kemper
Gorgeous Photo Ike !!
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