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Cessna Caravan (N971N)
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Cessna Caravan (N971N)



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Leon Kay
This Cessna 208 Caravan is a great plane for site seeing. While in the USA one year we were fortunate to have a flight in one of these from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon. The layout of the plane enables good sight seeing for passengers of sights like Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam wall. It reaches such a speed that we arrived an half and hour earlier in Arizona than the time we departed from Nevada!
William Coons
We ride them regularly to and from Caye Caulker ,Belize. Tropic Air.
Peter Connor
I believe the Caravan owned by the late R. W. (Buzz) Kaplan was the first to be outfitted with floats. Buzz and his crew logged many miles in the Caravan, one of the most spectacular being the flight to Antarctica. I still have my baggie of Antarctic soil that was taken off the gear once the flight concluded in Owatonna, MN (KOWA). Floats made the Caravan something to behold, in my opinion~
Southern Air flyes these regionaly thru out the USA...Great commuter
marylou anderson
ha ha ha AZ time warp, NO?
Joe Minton
I love the Caravans. Great plane and a workhorse to boot.
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