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Boeing 707-300 (A20624)
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Boeing 707-300 (A20624)



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Steven Richardson
Awsome view of Australin Airforce Boeing 707 the queen of the Jet age to carrying Passengers across the world .
Alan Macdonald
It's a B703 a 707-338C ex Qantas
Al Miller
What are the additions out towards the wingtips?
David Malsher
Anyone know how many 707s still airworthy with what appear to be original engines like this rather than turbofans?
Those ARE turbofans! Just a little lower by-pass ratio than you may recognize.
Patrick Hughes
I believe the pods nesr the wingtips are hose rerels for mid-air refurling. .
Jeff Grindstaff
Those are TF-33 fans
So, it actually had 6 engines? Take-off? Cruise? or all the time?
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