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SPARTAN UC-71 Executive (N17617) - Precious Metal taking off on Runway 9 Oshkosh....
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SPARTAN UC-71 Executive (N17617)


Precious Metal taking off on Runway 9 Oshkosh....


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sam kuminecz
Great shot of the spartan executive.
Paul Wisgerhof
One of only 36 Spartan Executive 7Ws built. Another 130 or so C-3 models were built by Spartan before it went bust.
ken kemperPhoto Uploader
Thank you Sam & Paul.

A beautiful plane.
sam kuminecz
believe this one is based in Danville Ca with the other Spartan at same airport.
N17617 is currently based in Morning Sun, IA.
sam kuminecz
Thanks for the correction Jim.
John Turanin
Danville CA doesn't have an airfield, so it's either out of Livermore or Concord (Buchanan) CA.
Love the aircraft. A thing of beauty.
Frank Austin
My dad had a Spartan Executive and this brings back fond memories.
sam kuminecz
One is based in Livermore then. Steve marini's spartan
Paul Hurford
It's a Spartan Model 7W (circa 1938) with a P&W R-985 Series engine. Just beautiful!
Don Lynch
That plane is a work of art. I'd frame this pic and put it in a place where everyone could see. Perfect pic!
ken kemperPhoto Uploader

Thanks for info...did not know it goes back to '38. Neat.
Doug Pickard
This is a Spartan Executive.
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