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Lockheed P-38 Lightning (N25Y)
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Lockheed P-38 Lightning (N25Y)



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sal derosa
Happy to see “old timers” saved and flying! Thanks to Red Bull for their resources and commitment!
Peter Dundee
where was this taken Chino?
Alan Brown
Great photo! It is setup so well that it almost looks like a model aircraft! Thanks for a lot of hard work getting the photo.
Erich Neubert
LOL..Chino doesn't have any pavement that looks that good.
Gary Bain
What a gorgeous airplane!!!
Still old White Lighting #13.
God I miss Lefty.
john cook
Ya the boy set it down years ago in a bean field and the family sold it to that soda pop company.
It was 100% intact with some damage, red bull was lucky to get it!
It is STILL N25Y=White Lightning Race 13.
Lefty's ride, A Reno Air Race legend!
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