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N306 — - 6 Squadron, RAAF EA-18G Growler returning from a mission.
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N306 —


6 Squadron, RAAF EA-18G Growler returning from a mission.


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Joan Williams
Cool shot! Growler banking shots are awesome!
Nice shot. We did have twelve Growlers, but unfortunately we lost one in an engine failure takeoff accident a couple of years back. No serious injuries to the two crew members, fortunately. So now we have to make do with just eleven a/c, at least for the time being...
Colin Seftel
What's the RAAF doing at Nellis?
Chris Wood
Very nice George! Have something very similar!
Keith Brown
@Colin Seftel Well Nellis is the home of Red Flag (or at least used to be) which routinely hosts allied forces, so not unusual.
mike prendergast
Nice George!
George GeneralPhoto Uploader
Thanks for the nice comments. Yes, Red Flag(where I build the Daily Flight Schedule) is still at Nellis. And I was there the day they lost the Growler. Somewhere I have photos of it stripped and shrink wrapped for transport out of here.
George GeneralPhoto Uploader
Chris Robey, This photo was taken the first day they were back flying, after the accident.
¿Deseas un historial completo para N306 a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
13-03-2025 UnknownAl Udeid Air Base ()Al Udeid Air Base () 06:44AM +03 07:45AM +03 (?) 1:00
12-03-2025 UnknownAl Udeid Air Base ()Al Udeid Air Base () 08:19AM +03 09:19AM +03 (?) 0:59
12-03-2025 UnknownAl Udeid Air Base ()Al Udeid Air Base () 06:28AM +03 07:28AM +03 1:00
11-03-2025 UnknownAl Udeid Air Base ()Al Udeid Air Base () 08:29AM +03 09:30AM +03 (?) 1:00
11-03-2025 UnknownAl Udeid Air Base ()Al Udeid Air Base () 06:38AM +03 07:28AM +03 (?) 0:49
10-03-2025 UnknownAl Udeid Air Base ()Al Udeid Air Base () 06:42AM +03 07:42AM +03 (?) 0:59
05-03-2025 UnknownAl Udeid Air Base ()Al Udeid Air Base () 06:49AM +03 07:36AM +03 (?) 0:47
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