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Cessna Skyhawk (N348RM) - Some friends and I flying in formation after departure from Richmond, Indiana.
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Cessna Skyhawk (N348RM)


Some friends and I flying in formation after departure from Richmond, Indiana.


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Gavin Hughes
Very nice.
Cbro4Photo Uploader
@Gavin Hughes: Thank you!
Tom Fox
Learned to fly in N339JC. Always a reminder of a great time in my life! Wonderful airplane that trained thousands of folks to fly.
Good to see GA aircraft on Flight Aware.
Especially those with the "RM" in the tail number.
Cbro4Photo Uploader
@Tom Fox: I don't think I've meet someone that hasn't trained in a 172 and not liked it. They're such nice little planes.
@Robert Mills Jr: I honestly prefer shooting GA over airliners. There's so many cool airplanes and pilots that you find at smaller airports.
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