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Antonov An-124 Ruslan (UR-82073) - Atérrissage d'un Antonov An-124 de Antonov Design Bureau à Vatry
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Antonov An-124 Ruslan (UR-82073)


Atérrissage d'un Antonov An-124 de Antonov Design Bureau à Vatry


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really really nice angle and perspective. very nice of you to capture this beast and show the whole frame. thanks !
Christopher GuerreiroPhoto Uploader
thank you very much ;) John Marotta
Christos Psarras
Nice but the caption needs correction, it's an An-225, not An-12!
Christos Psarras
Oops, I meant An-125 ... fat fingers
Christos Psarras
One last time, I keep typing the wrong thing ... An-124
Christopher GuerreiroPhoto Uploader
Christos Psarras. I have tried multiple times to fix it, but it stays on AN12 every time?
Christopher GuerreiroPhoto Uploader
its must be a site bug?
Gary Schenauer
@ Christopher ... Type in "A124" .
Christopher GuerreiroPhoto Uploader
Yes, I know it's an An124, it's just the site that gives AN12, when you mark AN124? is it weird? besides, I saw that it was doing the same on the other photos of the Antonov AN124? so i dunno, why its doing its?
Gary Schenauer
Christopher ... No. Don't type AN124. The maximum number of digits that can be entered into that box is four. It will never accept five digits like AN124. If you type five digits, it will enter something else. So type A124. Leave the "N" off. (Wave)
Christopher GuerreiroPhoto Uploader
thank you Gary Schenauer :) its to walk doing what you told me;)
Alan Hume
All those wheels!
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