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F-AZKT — - Dassault MD-311 Flamant
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real



Dassault MD-311 Flamant


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William Lucas
I wonder how the airflow around the two aircraft affects the rudder settings!
Unclear! This I see for the first time!
David Seider
Here's a curiosity (certainly not a criticism!): F-AZKT appears to have Lebanese flag on her tail. France had a very significant presence in Lebanon after WWI and through WWII. BUT... the French military was out of Lebanon by the end of 1946 (as far as I know). And the Flamant was not delivered to the Armée de l'Air Française until 1948-49.
A great pic of a rare aircraft!
William Goebel
That left rudder on ZKT needs a little attention! ;)
James Anderson
Interesting red and yellow horizontal stripes on the tail, similar to the flag of the former Republic of Vietnam.
Brilliant picture.
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