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BOEING 727-200 (N216WE) - IFL Group Boeing 727-200F (N216WE) arrives KRDU Rwy 23R on 08/09/2021 at 7:39 pm.
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BOEING 727-200 (N216WE)


IFL Group Boeing 727-200F (N216WE) arrives KRDU Rwy 23R on 08/09/2021 at 7:39 pm.


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Nice shot with great light!
Andre Blanchard
Wonderful shot on a great aircraft
silverio califano
The first time I saw a 727, I was in school at Embry Riddle in Miami in 1963. we looked up and could only say. WOW! The school lined up with a runway at Miami International.
Sharif Abdallah
The passenger versions were wonderful aircraft to fly in. Quiet cabin, wide enough for 3x3 seating.
It was also fun to exit the aircraft from the rear stairs at airports where jetways were not yet available. Great memories of a great aircraft.
I know this acft very well, 2nd to the last off the line, -2S2F s/n 22937, line # 1831
Hamisu Abubakar
Nice fly
Edward Ludwig
Did a lot of traveling in the military and a lot of those flights were on the B-727.she's a tough bird and a great aircraft to fly on.
Jorgiane Kaminski
Iconic 727!
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