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McDonnell Douglas MD-88 (N971DL) - Taking off into the sunset
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

McDonnell Douglas MD-88 (N971DL)


Taking off into the sunset


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John David
Apropos, as the sun sets for the MD-88 and the like into retirement!
Don Ridgeway
No better shot than the silhouette of an aircraft into the setting sun.Love it.
ken kemper
Beautiful pic & vantage point Aaron !!
marylou anderson
thoughtfully done
just gorgeous
Michael Wulfsohn
Stunning photo! Artistic. It looks good enough for a commercial, or a vintage McDonald-Douglas promo to hook prospective Mad Dog buyers.
Joe Wood
Golden Girls intro screen grab? No that was 727.
Timothy Collins
Departing into a Beautiful Sunset. Awesome picture.
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