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N61429 — - Red Tail Squadron North American P51C Mustang
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

N61429 —


Red Tail Squadron North American P51C Mustang


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Ronald Ashby
Isn't that a B version? The C version had the Malcolm bubble canopy. Non the less it is a beautiful aircraft and great testimony to the Tuskegee airman.
Ronald Ashby, other than a couple of really minor differences, the B and C models were identical.
B's were built in Englewood CA and the C's were built in Dallas TX.
Both B's and C's were sometimes field modified with the Malcolm hood after the factory.
marylou anderson
Very pretty pic with those contrasting colors calling attention to historic aircraft.
Glen Charles
Beautiful mustang and background is awesome too!
Colton Fletcher
great pic. amazing contrast
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