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WACO O (N1585M)
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WACO O (N1585M)



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John Yarno
Diana Rose
Pretty Shot!
Wayne Brown
Reminded me of the visit to NARL , Naval Arctic Research Laboratory in Barrow Alaska.
In 1935 Wiley Post and Will Rogers crashed on take off
in their Lockheed Highbrid aircraft.
The NARL LAB had on display the wing and N Number
of this tragic crash.
These were the heyday of flying and early days of flying in the Arctic. My visit was in 1976 in a Cessna 170B.
Assume it is still there check it out next time you visit Barrow Alaska.
Ken Hardy
Beautiful plane, wooden prop and all ( but I would rather have an aluminum prop for reliability )
Joe Halter
what a beauty!
a mentor
re Wiley Post: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiley_Post#Final_flight_and_death
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