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16-8600 — - A Norfolk Based VAW 121 E-2D Advanced Hawkeye begins its roll to begin a training  mission to the Fallon range in July of 2016.   VAW-121 is part of Carrier Air Wing 11.
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16-8600 —


A Norfolk Based VAW 121 E-2D Advanced Hawkeye begins its' roll to begin a training mission to the Fallon range in July of 2016. VAW-121 is part of Carrier Air Wing 11.


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Dave Sheehy
Very nice picture Gary!
Gary MailanderPhoto Uploader
Many thanks.
Yvon Dionne
Great capture Gary...could you share exposure data thanks.
Gary MailanderPhoto Uploader
160th sec, f18, ISO100, Nikon 3200 with a 55-300 mm Nikkor DX lens. I was sitting on the ground next to a runway sign and hold line which provided some shade from the 102 degree heat.
Roy Hunte
Nice shot!
Dale Kline
Reminds me of the old S2F "stoof with a roof" that we used to watch going in and out at Willow Grove Naval air Station in PA, where I enlisted in Naval Air right after High School. Both beautiful planes with a very distinct mission.
Darryl Sarno
Great shot and catch Gary!
Colin Rutherford
Great picture
marylou anderson
GO Navy!
Greg Zelna
Fly Navy
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