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Cirrus SR-22 (N122AS) - Cirrus SR22 based in Miami and used for air taxi service in Florida.  This picture taken in Sarasota while waiting for passengers.  This airplane is air conditioned, has satellite radio, and a parachute for the whole plane!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Cirrus SR-22 (N122AS)


Cirrus SR22 based in Miami and used for air taxi service in Florida. This picture taken in Sarasota while waiting for passengers. This airplane is air conditioned, has satellite radio, and a parachute for the whole plane!


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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
26-01-2025 SR22Int'l de Cayo Hueso ()Int'l de Palm Beach () 10:59AM EST 12:17PM EST 1:17
26-01-2025 SR22Miami Exec ()Int'l de Cayo Hueso () 09:45AM EST 10:26AM EST 0:40
25-01-2025 SR22The Florida Keys Marathon Intl ()Miami Exec () 01:09PM EST 01:34PM EST 0:25
25-01-2025 SR22Naples Muni ()The Florida Keys Marathon Intl () 11:58AM EST 12:37PM EST 0:39
25-01-2025 SR22Miami Exec ()Naples Muni () 10:59AM EST 11:30AM EST 0:30
24-01-2025 SR22Ocean Reef Club ()Miami Exec () 04:48PM EST 04:59PM EST 0:11
24-01-2025 SR22Zephyrhills Muni ()Ocean Reef Club () 03:11PM EST 04:25PM EST 1:13
24-01-2025 SR22Int'l de Cayo Hueso ()Zephyrhills Muni () 01:08PM EST 02:33PM EST 1:24
24-01-2025 SR22Int'l de Palm Beach ()Int'l de Cayo Hueso () 11:12AM EST 12:23PM EST 1:10
24-01-2025 SR22Miami Exec ()Int'l de Palm Beach () 09:57AM EST 10:43AM EST 0:45
22-01-2025 SR22Int'l de Palm Beach ()Miami Exec () 01:49PM EST 02:31PM EST 0:42
22-01-2025 SR22Miami Exec ()Int'l de Palm Beach () 12:15PM EST 12:54PM EST 0:38
20-01-2025 SR22Ocean Reef Club ()Miami Exec () 10:24AM EST 10:36AM EST 0:11
20-01-2025 SR22Boca Raton ()Ocean Reef Club () 09:29AM EST 10:09AM EST 0:39
20-01-2025 SR22Int'l de Miami ()Boca Raton () 08:24AM EST 08:48AM EST 0:23
20-01-2025 SR22Ocean Reef Club ()Int'l de Miami () 07:18AM EST 07:39AM EST 0:21
17-01-2025 SR22Boca Raton ()Ocean Reef Club () 09:16PM EST 10:02PM EST 0:45
17-01-2025 SR22Ocean Reef Club ()Boca Raton () 02:24PM EST 03:05PM EST 0:40
17-01-2025 SR22Miami Exec ()Ocean Reef Club () 01:40PM EST 01:52PM EST 0:12
16-01-2025 SR22Ocean Reef Club ()Miami Exec () 08:07PM EST 08:16PM EST 0:09
16-01-2025 SR22Int'l de Palm Beach ()Ocean Reef Club () 06:58PM EST 07:38PM EST 0:40
16-01-2025 SR22Int'l Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood ()Int'l de Palm Beach () 04:59PM EST 05:16PM EST 0:17
15-01-2025 SR22Ocean Reef Club ()Int'l Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood () 11:35AM EST 12:00PM EST 0:25
15-01-2025 SR22Pompano Beach Airpark ()Ocean Reef Club () 10:06AM EST 10:28AM EST 0:21
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