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McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N970TW) - The first American MD-80 to come to Philly in over a year, pictured departing 27L on its way to BDL and back, then returning to Dallas. Probably the last time we'll ever see one of these at PHL.
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McDonnell Douglas MD-83 (N970TW)


The first American MD-80 to come to Philly in over a year, pictured departing 27L on its way to BDL and back, then returning to Dallas. Probably the last time we'll ever see one of these at PHL.


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Tyler Emtage
Great shot! 5*
Colin PiercePhoto Uploader
Thanks Tyler!
David Leaney
Strange looking bird. Great photo
They've parked a bunch of them in Roswell, NM.
Colin PiercePhoto Uploader
@perlan Yeah I've seen pictures of those, usually their stickers are all peeled off. Makes it more special to see one of these guys that's all intact.
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