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Airbus A330-200 (ZS-SXX) - The second day of flight SA405 / SA410 being operated by the A330-200. The previous pics were snapped on Tuesday 4 September of ZS-SXZ. The next day, Wed 5 September, her sister came to visit - ZS-SXX. When she landed the sky was mostly blue, but the westerly had already started bringing in a few clouds. By the time the unusual passenger count and their bicycles had been loaded, the wind had picked up considerably, and the weather had turned. By departure the weather was terrible, the clouds were low-down, and the rain started to pound down. Our notorious wind sure helps when the runway is short of 6,700 foot! Just to re-cap, our city had an influx of over 6000 athletes from around the world for the Iron Man Competition (tri-athlon). The usual single-isle aircraft (A319/A320) could not cope with the extra passengers and hundreds of bicycles to ferry the athletes back to Johannesburg for their onward journeys. The last time a aircraft of comparable size visited our airport was in 2010 for the Soccer World Cup.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Airbus A330-200 (ZS-SXX)


The second day of flight SA405 / SA410 being operated by the A330-200. The previous pics were snapped on Tuesday 4 September of ZS-SXZ. The next day, Wed 5 September, her sister came to visit - ZS-SXX. When she landed the sky was mostly blue, but the westerly had already started bringing in a few clouds. By the time the unusual passenger count and their bicycles had been loaded, the wind had picked up considerably, and the weather had turned. By departure the weather was terrible, the clouds were low-down, and the rain started to pound down. Our notorious wind sure helps when the runway is short of 6,700 foot! Just to re-cap, our city had an influx of over 6000 athletes from around the world for the Iron Man Competition (tri-athlon). The usual single-isle aircraft (A319/A320) could not cope with the extra passengers and hundreds of bicycles to ferry the athletes back to Johannesburg for their onward journeys. The last time a aircraft of comparable size visited our airport was in 2010 for the Soccer World Cup.


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