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Boeing 757-200 — - AAL go around the column of smoke from the Gulf Petroleum Refinery explosion. Puerto Rico USA  October 23, 2009 - The photo is real, not fake or photoshop. Greetings to all.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Boeing 757-200 —


AAL go around the column of smoke from the Gulf Petroleum Refinery explosion. Puerto Rico USA October 23, 2009 - The photo is real, not fake or photoshop. Greetings to all.


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Reicito Escobar
Amaaaaaaaaazing !!!!!!
Apocalyptic - epic shot!
Richard Beers
Looks Photoshopped. Haze around aircraft seems unnatural, cut and paste transparency. Just my opinion.
Tomás Del CoroPhoto Uploader
Hello Richard... The photo is real not photoshop or cut and paste... Tomás Del Coro Greetings
Tomás Del CoroPhoto Uploader
Sony DSC-H10
20.2 mm
ISO 125
Frank Gollner
Halos, often a by product, after sharpening an image. But I do not see a halo around the whole plane, so it looks real to me.

I think Richard what looks like a halo is actually the part of the cloud lit by the sun, which is obscured by the B752 in front.

Great shot Thomas!
Tomás Del CoroPhoto Uploader
Thanks You Very Much... Frank...
Fabio França
Imagem linda porém apavorante para quem está no avião.
Yuck..but a good shot..thanks.
David Terrero
Run boy, RUUUUUUNN!!!!
Christine Rallis
Great photo.
Tomás Del CoroPhoto Uploader
Thanks to all...
john brandt
Where were you when you took shot?
Tomás Del CoroPhoto Uploader
Hello John
I was in my home...
Jonah Crosby
weird and cool
Jim Costello
Looks like this aircraft will need a shower after landing


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