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Aero Commander 500 (N500FT)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Aero Commander 500 (N500FT)



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jesse kyzer
Bob Hoover but on a SHOW with one of these and really make it dance
He would do a loop(or roll) can't remember, while pouring a glass of tea!
jesse kyzer
Bob Hoover but on a SHOW with one of these and really make it dance
He would do a loop(or roll) can't remember, while pouring a glass of tea!
Richard Williams
Wonderful bird, esp with Bob Hoover in it!!!!!
Theo Barker
Looks like it's being used for aerial mapping, i.e. Google Map/Earth, looking at the flights it's been doing.
serge LOTH
Jesse : right.. i saw Hoover in Oshkosh.. Fantastic man..
This plane remind me a little B26...
George General
I also saw Bob Hoover do a barnstormer's loop and roll in his, with both engines off.
Recall seeing Hoover’s amazing performances. Not only would he loop & roll the Shrike Commander, he would shut one engine down (prior to deadstick manuevers), then roll it into the dead engine - talented (and brave) indeed…!
General Jimmy Doolittle described him as the best “stick-and-rudder” pilot he’d ever witnessed…
Mark Boehlen
I saw Bob Hoover at Reading, PA. What a show! At the time I was flying a Grand Commander (680FL) and a 500. I was absolutely amazed. Loved the Commanders. They were great airplanes in those days.
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