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North American P-51 Mustang (NL51ZW)
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North American P-51 Mustang (NL51ZW)



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Diana Rose
Pretty Shot! Love the Prop Whirrrr!
ken kemper

Perfect Photo.....same as Diana's comment
brian dubey
It would have been nice, Flight Aware, to have shown allot of World War Two aircraft still flying from the era which is now 76 to 80 years old. This Mother Day weekend in America is the 76th end to World War Two in Europe
Robert Day
P-51 always a winner
Colin Seftel
The 2 seat version is, I believe a TP-51C and extremely rare.
a mentor
the bubble canopy is distinctively and uniquely on the 51-D. The B-C models did not use them
bob reeves
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