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Dassault Falcon 20 (N998BM) - N998BM is a 1988 Dassault Falcon 20, seen here departing Augusta Georgia's regional airport shortly after the conclusion of the 2023 Masters golf tournament. I thought this photo was exceptional as the colors and lighting were amazing in addition to having the background of billionaires row aircraft parking. I shot this with a Canon 5Dsr and a Canon 500mm IS lens and a 1.4 extender on it, making the focal length 700mm. Camera settings were 1/8000 shutter, F5.6, ISO 3200. Please check out my other photography. Positive votes and comments are always appreciated. Questions about this photo can be sent to Info@FlewShots.com
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Dassault Falcon 20 (N998BM)


N998BM is a 1988 Dassault Falcon 20, seen here departing Augusta Georgia's regional airport shortly after the conclusion of the 2023 Masters golf tournament. I thought this photo was exceptional as the colors and lighting were amazing in addition to having the background of billionaires row aircraft parking. I shot this with a Canon 5Dsr and a Canon 500mm IS lens and a 1.4 extender on it, making the focal length 700mm. Camera settings were 1/8000 shutter, F5.6, ISO 3200. Please check out my other photography. Positive votes and comments are always appreciated. Questions about this photo can be sent to Info@FlewShots.com


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