8 Votos (5.00 Promedio) y 1.374 Vistas  

Rockwell Lancer (N2148) - This photo was taken at the 2022 Sun N Fun airshow at Lakeland Florida. The aircraft in the center is an Air Force B1 bomber. In the sky was an aerobatic airplane with fireworks attached to it's wings. I believe the combination of the B1 and the fireworks made an outstanding image. I shot this with my Canon 5Dsr and my Canon 17-40mm F4 lens. The focal length was 17mm. VOTES AND POSITIVE COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED.br /PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER AVIATION PHOTOS. Questions about this photo can be sent to Info@FlewShots.com
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Rockwell Lancer (N2148)


This photo was taken at the 2022 Sun N Fun airshow at Lakeland Florida. The aircraft in the center is an Air Force B1 bomber. In the sky was an aerobatic airplane with fireworks attached to it's wings. I believe the combination of the B1 and the fireworks made an outstanding image. I shot this with my Canon 5Dsr and my Canon 17-40mm F4 lens. The focal length was 17mm. VOTES AND POSITIVE COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED.
PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER AVIATION PHOTOS. Questions about this photo can be sent to [email protected]


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