81 Votos (4.92 Promedio) y 11.821 Vistas  

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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

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Ryan Klackle
I wish I could give this 6 or 7 stars. This is exceptional.
ken kemper
Awesome Photo Ryan...........

One of the best taken at Oshkosh this week by anyone.
great picture
Joe Vincent
Amazing photo! Actually, it is an EA-18G.
none Whynot
That's An E/A-18G from VAQ-129. Not an F/A-18 shes got no gun.
spectacular - the wing just pulling the moisture out of the air!
Bob Papadakis
Beautiful vapes! Aye, she may not have a gun, but a lot of magic in its place. The gun bay pallet is where the ALQ-218 avionics reside.
Joe Lewis
fantastic shot, just as the vapes begin to build!!!
Michael Scott
I love this shot!


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