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Aero Spacelines Super Guppy (N941NA)
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Aero Spacelines Super Guppy (N941NA)



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John Giambone
Great Pic Ryan!
ken kemper
Super Shot Ryan.............
Looks like a really nice pass by the Super Guppy.
Probably a prequel to the Beluga in Europe.
David Underwood
Fantastic photo, but how does this thing FLY?
David, not very fast. But it has been a good work horse for NASA.
Janice Eslan
Great pic! Looks like a Beluga!
Steven H Wilcox
Interesting…..reminds me of the old sci-fi movies of the outer space beings in the 1950’s and 1960’s movies with large heads.
Robert Sloane
there was just an episode on MIGHTY PLANE on Smithsonian channel were this incredible bird flew large rocket parts across country. it was really educational
Geri Spry
Strange looking. What will it be used for?
Sonny Beaches
Flipper in heaven !
sal derosa
The original Guppies had reciprocating engines!! These my friends are turboprops with much more power. It’s an impressive monster at any level!!
Margaret Ballante
So cool!
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