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Airbus A330-300 (N270AY) - A "big bird" - Airbus A330-300 gets two new nose tires. Find five of your best AMT* friends, the tire cart & tug, four foot torque wrench, a fresh nitrogen bottle and that 85 ton jack. Oh, the airplane boards for Paris, France in about one hour...(rear-Catering is positioning their truck for meals delivery through right center service door) AMT: Aircraft Maintenance Technician; The new name for FAA certified Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Airbus A330-300 (N270AY)


A "big bird" - Airbus A330-300 gets two new nose tires. Find five of your best AMT* friends, the tire cart & tug, four foot torque wrench, a fresh nitrogen bottle and that 85 ton jack. Oh, the airplane boards for Paris, France in about one hour...(rear-Catering is positioning their truck for meals delivery through right center service door) AMT: Aircraft Maintenance Technician; The new name for FAA certified Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics.


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