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FAIRCHILD HILLER FH-227 (VH-MMO) - Melbourne, Tullamarine, December 26, 1985. Again, just for you Chris.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real



Melbourne, Tullamarine, December 26, 1985. Again, just for you Chris.


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Cheers Gavin! Nice shot of MMO being marshalled onto her designated parking bay at YMML Melbourne Tullamarine. Looks like FNT parked to the left, still in the older livery.
Gavin HughesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Chris. When I got to this yesterday I was trying to work out if that was FNT from what was visible of the reg. Got a few pics of FNT, red only - Wynyard, Tas, Tullamarine, and here. If you were interested, you could contact me via AirHistory.net at first. Find my name under 'About', then 'Our Contributors', select any of the pics and it will have a 'contact photographer' button under it.
Hi Gavin. Yes indeed. The other possibility was FNI. But I'm pretty certain that by '85, FNI was long gone from the Ansett F27 fleet.
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