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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (0313) - Boeing WB-50D,USAF 49-0313,56th weather sqn. Yokota AFB Japan. RAAF East Sale, low level air sampling. Photographed early 1960s.
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Boeing B-29 Superfortress (0313)


Boeing WB-50D,USAF 49-0313,56th weather sqn. Yokota AFB Japan. RAAF East Sale, low level air sampling. Photographed early 1960s.


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Raymond Puff
Again this is a B-50. The engines were more powerful and had different style of intakes. Nice pics of it!
Kurt FingerPhoto Uploader
Hi Raymond, aircraft type box marked "B-50" as invalid.
Wrong headline, it is a B-50 which was a development of the B-29 with larger fuselage, engines and empennage
Kurt FingerPhoto Uploader
chalet, appreciate your comment. Further to the redevelopment of the B-29. The B-50 was originally designated B-29D, an order for 200 was placed in July 1945. The quantity was reduced to 60 by the VJ cancellations. The designation was changed to B-50 in December. The re designation was a ruse by the military to win appropriations for the procurement. Reference Boeing Aircraft since 1916 by Peter M Bowers.
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